We often get questions from customers about how to dispose of the remaining ashes after they purchase Memorials from Memory Glass. Scattering is the first and most popular way of dealing with leftover cremains. But it's important that people know the legal statutes regarding different scattering options, because there are both Federal and State regulations that may impact what a person may legally do with the cremains.Â
A great place to find unbiased information is www.agreenerfuneral.org a website with the goal of providing resources to educate the general public about ways in which they can leave a lighter footprint on this earth by selecting a greener funeral. Their state-by -state database can be found at www.agreenerfuneral.org/scattering-laws-by-state.
Of course, you local funeral home can also direct you to scattering companies that offer to disperse ashes by plane, boat or ever rockets....