The Memory Glass Blog

Ways to Present a Memory
A photo gallery of Memory Glass Memorials and Keepsakes in customers homes.
Ways to Present a Memory
A photo gallery of Memory Glass Memorials and Keepsakes in customers homes.

Cemetery Chic -- What's Old Is New in Hollywood...
Forest Lawn, of course, is a famous destination venue where visitors can view the many movie stars' graves including, Marilyn Monroe, Micky Rooney, Johnny Ramone, Rudolph Valentino, Douglas Fairbanks, Judy...
Cemetery Chic -- What's Old Is New in Hollywood...
Forest Lawn, of course, is a famous destination venue where visitors can view the many movie stars' graves including, Marilyn Monroe, Micky Rooney, Johnny Ramone, Rudolph Valentino, Douglas Fairbanks, Judy...

Catholics and Cremation
Recently the Vatican announced important changes to its instructions regarding the handling of human cremains
Catholics and Cremation
Recently the Vatican announced important changes to its instructions regarding the handling of human cremains

Earth to Earth -- Green Trends in Death Care
Acknowledging and addressing the environmental impact of funeral practices is good business, and crucial to ensure a dignified farewell that respects both the deceased and the planet.
Earth to Earth -- Green Trends in Death Care
Acknowledging and addressing the environmental impact of funeral practices is good business, and crucial to ensure a dignified farewell that respects both the deceased and the planet.

What to do with remaining ashes
Scattering is the first and most popular way of dealing with leftover cremains. But it's important that people know the legal rules
What to do with remaining ashes
Scattering is the first and most popular way of dealing with leftover cremains. But it's important that people know the legal rules